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Bicara soal MODAL yuk

Semangat pagi :-D

Banyak yaaaa orang yang bilang gini "mau bisnis nih tapi terkendala modal"
akhirnya berMODALkan kalimat itu, niat mau bisnis pun jadi lesu, dan rutinitas ngantor setiap hari yang membuat anda stress gak bisa terelakkan. Padahal kita semua tau ya, kalo memang nggak mau ngantor setiap hari ya untuk mendapatkan penghasilan ANDA HARUS MAU BUKA BISNIS :)

Nah sekarang ayo deh kita ngomongin MODAL.
Tau gak temen-temen? bukan hanya BISNIS, ternyata HIDUP kita sejak lahir sudah butuh MODAL. Bener gak? iya. Bayangkan yaaaa temen-temen semua mengalami hal ini kan?
  • Lahir di bidan atau di rumah sakit orang tua kita mengeluarkan biaya lahiran (modal pertama untuk hidup kita)
  • Besar di rawat jaman kecil kita butuh Susu, makanan, minuman, biaya obat dan lain hal nya dan ternyata biaya ini TIDAK KECIL :-) tul gak? iya lah akuin aja emang gak kecil kok hehe
  • Trus nih biaya SD-SMP-SMA bahkan alhamdulillah kalo sampe kuliah, kita dibiayayai sama orang tua, dimana ini bukan hanya SPP bulanan tapi ortu kita keluarin uang banyaaaaak banget buat biaya makan minum, biaya gaul, biaya les, uang buku, uang baju masha Allah banyak yaaaaa MODAL yang dikeluarkan oleh ortu kita.
Sekarang hidup kamu udah sampe dimana? di SMA atau di Kuliah? atau udah ngantor? udah married? dimanapun level kehidupan kitaaaa sekarang ini.. kita ini sudah butuh MODAL sejak dulu.

Dan sekarang pertanyaan aku simpel aja…


Hehehe pertanyaan yang bingung yak jawabnya.. tapi sudah balik modal atau belum hidup kita ini kalo kita itung2 wah pusing yaaak :D jadi kalo menurut saya indikator balik modal hidup kita adalah SUKSES. SUKSES yang di akui oleh banyak orang, sukses yang bermanfaat bagi banyak orang. Kalo kita sukses maka hidup kita ini balik modal :)

Nah sekarang balik ke BISNIS, kalo kita bilang 'gak mau bisnis ah takut rugi' nah ini kayaknya sama dengan 'gak mau hidup ah takut rugi' :p

RUGI adalah sekolah bagus-bagus mahal-mahal di bayarin orang tua tapi pada saat udah lulus gak punya banyak uang untuk bahagiakan diri dan keluarga

RUGI adalah udah sekolah capek2 buang uang waktu tenaga pikiran dan umur tapi pas udah kerja sekarang eh gak punya waktu untuk orang-orang terkasih karena waktunya habis dipakai cari uang (lebih sedih lagi kalo uangnya gak seberapa)

Ya menurut saya yang begini laaah yang rugi… rugi kalo kita hidup gak banyak kasih manfaat sama orang lain. ya kan? udah lah IYA ajaaa ak usah naikin alis tar pegel :-p

Jadi kesimpulannya… apa BISNIS itu HARUS dalam hidup? ya jawabannya sakarepmu (terserah kamu) hihi.. kamu mau gimana? mau begini-begini ajaa apa mau nebar manfaat dengan membuka kesempatan PERNIAGAAN? Seperti Rasulullah yaa beliau pun mendulang kekayaan dari berniaga lho… 

bisnis itu harus DIMULAI segera, cari aja bisnis yang paling murah dan mudah, nah kalo saya jelas milihnya bisnis MLM yang jelas MUDAH dan MURAH trus HASILNYA MAHAL :-D

Nah disini saya ungkit yaaaaa ITUNG-ITUNGAN modal waktu dulu saya mulai MLM dari jaman kuliah dengan duit sangat pas-pasan :)

SIMAK yaaaa biar gak ngomong modalnya gede meloloooo :p

Uang jajan saya di usia 18 tahun waktu memulai Oriflame per hari adalah 15.000

Faktanya :

  • Saya kuliah ongkos angkotnya 12.000 pulang pergi (beruntungnya hampir setiap hari saya bisa nebeng sama ayah saya yang kebetulan Dekan di kampus saya tapiii kalo belio lagi sibuk dan saya gak bisa nebeng atau kebetulan saya ada kelas yang lebih pagi dan belio belom berangkat ya udah mau gak mau harus keluarin ONGKOS)
  • Saya selalu bawa bekal ke kampus (catet ya SELALU)
  • Saya selalu menghemat makanan dan minuman (jadi kalo ada temen yang jajan es teh atau teh poci gitu gitu saya gak ikutan hehehe kecuali kalo lagi ada uang sisa)
  • Saya paling pusing kalo udah ada suruhan fotokopi atau beli buku, saya selalu gak enak minta sama orang tua akhirnya sering saya yang bilang ke temen-temen "gue aja sini yang fotokopiin tapi tambahin yaaak goceng hahaha" :p buat saya fotokopi nih :p
  • Saya jualan pulsa dulu modalnya 100.000 minta ma orang tua saya untungnya sebulan 20.000 cuman cukup buat pulsa sendiri hahaha
  • Setiap weekend adalah yang paling bikin seneng karena saya punya kegiatan BAND kalo ngeBAND jajannya lebih banyak :D dikasih 50.000-100.000 nah disini peluang NABUNG saya haha
Nah itu faktanya, trus saya ini modal kerjain Oriflame dari mana?

Biar temen-temen tau yaaa, saya minjem duit sama ayah saya 500.000 perak dengan catatan kalo uang ini tidak terorganisir dengan baik, maka saya tidak jajan bulan depannya. --> KEBAYANG YAK ENGGAK JAJAN SEBULAN BISA MERANA DONG? :-D 

Maka itu pas gabung oriflame saya boro-boro bisa cobain produk oriflame yang mahal-mahal nggak bisa heheheh tapi saya gak habis akal, saya ngiderrrrr ke komplek komplek dan ngider ke ibu-ibu pngajian temen mamah.. ternyata yaa :

  • Saya ini yang gak punya bakat jualan eh bisa JUALAN loh… jualan pertama saya dalam sehari adalah 500.000 hehehe ini berkat punya 20 katalog. Alhasil saya punya untung jualan sekitar 150.000 (mantap!)
  • Setelah punya untung saya nyobain produk Oriflame yaitu sabun yang harganya cuma 15.000 trus duit yang untung tadi saya puter lagi, saya beliin katalog buat bulan depannya.
Sisanya gimana sih Anna membangun TEAM? Alhamdulillah saya di bantu sama upline yang sangat baik hati bunda Ona, beliau mau banget bantuin prospek kesana kemari hehehe.. berkat beliau saya closing banyak orang dan team bisa terbentuk, beliau juga yang ajarin saya kerja keras PROSPEK ITU HARUS BERANI!! Itu kata beliau, jadi bokek2 pun saya NEKAT prospek kemana-mana, meskipun makan minum harus bawa bekal dari rumah hehehe..

dan dari ongkos2 yang saya tabung saya rela…

  • Gak jajan
  • gak beli beli baju
  • ngurangin makan enak
Demi saya bisa punya ongkos prospek, ongkos beli katalog dan flayer, ongkos kemana-mana buat transport bisnis...

Berkat kerja keras ini… 2 bulan saya jadi manager 12% bonusnya 1 juta. Gila ya…. bisnis Oriflame keren banget. :-)

Gimana? masih bilang modal bisnis Oriflame itu besar?
Gimana? masih bilang TUTUP POIN target perbulan di Oriflame sulit dipenuhi?

Deuuhh… kalo mau berubah nasib itu ya KERJA KERAS mbak mas kak dek :) beneran kalo kita kerja keras tangan Tuhan itu NYATA membantu kita mempermudah perniagaan kita apalagi kalo kita demen sedekah.. mak! makin lancar lah bisnis kita…. :)

Sudah yaaaa.. kalo temen2 nasibnya lebih baik daripada saya waktu memulai oriflame

  • uang jajannya lebih banyak
  • pergaulannya lebih oke
  • orang tua lebih support
Ya udah sih jangan ngeluh melulu…. :)kerjain ajaaa.. bisnis oriflame adalah bisnis yang worth it untuk dikerjain kok :) liat aja hasilnya -- KLIK DISINI

berani MODAL?


Di Oriflame gak ada yang sia-sia kalo sungguh-sungguh :) Okeeeee? yuk di share tulisan ini, biar gak ada lagi yang bilang bisnis oriflame modalnya mahal hahahaha… :)

Mau dimentorin biar gak bokek melulu? sini sms atau whatsapp ke 081310024600 :)

Postingan ini aku ambil dari Upline Diamondku di Oriflame kak Anna Desi

Analysis Story with Psychoanalitic

Children Literature

The founder of psychoanalitic theory was Sigmun Frued (1856-1939). Psychoanalysis is the theory of human mental development and how the mind works. Using a combined set of psychological theories and techniques patients can work on behavior patterns stemming from childhood experiences. These behaviors are traced back to unconscious thoughts and repressed emotions. By getting to the root of these thoughts and emotions, patients are able to become conscious of their unconscious thoughts and then begin resolving their issues.
Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believed that behavior and personality derives from the constant and unique interaction of conflicting psychological forces that operate at three different levels of awareness: the preconscious, the conscious, and the unconscious.  According to Freud, the mind can be divided into three different levels: The conscious mind includes everything that we are aware of. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally. A part of this includes our memory, which is not always part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily at any time and brought into our awareness. Freud called this the preconscious. The preconscious mind is the part of the mind that represents ordinary memory. While we are not consciously aware of this information at any given time, we can retrieve it and pull it into consciousness when needed. The unconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of our conscious awareness. Most of the contents of the unconscious are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict. According to Freud, the unconscious continues to influence our behavior and experience, even though we are unaware of these underlying influences.
Approches Phsycoanalistic
Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality argued that human behavior was the result of the interaction of three component parts of the mind: the id, ego, and superego.

The Id
The id is the only component of personality that is present from birth. This aspect of personality is entirely unconscious and includes of the instinctive and primitive behaviors. According to Freud, the id is the source of all psychic energy, making it the primary component of personality. The id is driven by the pleasure principle, which strives for immediate gratification of all desires, wants, and needs. If these needs are not satisfied immediately, the result is a state anxiety or tension. For example, an increase in hunger or thirst should produce an immediate attempt to eat or drink. The id is very important early in life, because it ensures that an infant's needs are met. If the infant is hungry or uncomfortable, he or she will cry until the demands of the id are met.
However, immediately satisfying these needs is not always realistic or even possible. If we were ruled entirely by the pleasure principle, we might find ourselves grabbing things we want out of other people's hands to satisfy our own cravings. This sort of behavior would be both disruptive and socially unacceptable. According to Freud, the id tries to resolve the tension created by the pleasure principle through the primary proccess , which involves forming a mental image of the desired object as a way of satisfying the need.

The Ego
The ego is the component of personality that is responsible for dealing with reality. According to Freud, the ego develops from the id and ensures that the impulses of the id can be expressed in a manner acceptable in the real world. The ego functions in both the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious mind.
The ego operates based on the reality principle, which strives to satisfy the id's desires in realistic and socially appropriate ways. The reality principle weighs the costs and benefits of an action before deciding to act upon or abandon impulses. In many cases, the id's impulses can be satisfied through a process of delayed gratification--the ego will eventually allow the behavior, but only in the appropriate time and place.
The ego also discharges tension created by unmet impulses through the secondary process, in which the ego tries to find an object in the real world that matches the mental image created by the id's primary process.

The Super-ego
The last component of personality to develop is the superego. The superego is the aspect of personality that holds all of our internalized moral standards and ideals that we acquire from both parents and society--our sense of right and wrong. The superego provides guidelines for making judgments. According to Freud, the superego begins to emerge at around age five. There are two parts of the superego:
1.      The ego ideal includes the rules and standards for good behaviors. These behaviors include those which are approved of by parental and other authority figures. Obeying these rules leads to feelings of pride, value and accomplishment.
2.      The conscience includes information about things that are viewed as bad by parents and society. These behaviors are often forbidden and lead to bad consequences, punishments or feelings of guilt and remorse.
The superego acts to perfect and civilize our behavior. It works to suppress all unacceptable urges of the id and struggles to make the ego act upon idealistic standards rather that upon realistic principles. The superego is present in the conscious, preconscious and unconscious.
Freud developed the theory of psychoanalytic personality development which implicated certain structures of the human mind and conflicts among these structures in the development of human personality.
1. Oral Stage (birth to 1.5 years of age) : The oral stage's major pleasure center is the oral cavity. A baby's first experience with much of the physical world is through the mouth. The goal of this stage was to develop the proper amount of sucking, eating, biting, and talking, which aid in early development steps such as breast feeding and speaking. Children who did not master this stage would develop an oral fixation that might lead to drinking, smoking, and nail-biting or other mouth-based aggressive behaviors.
2. Anal Stage (1.5-3 years of age) : The anal stage's major pleasure center is the anal cavity. One of the first impulses that a baby must learn to control is his/her excretion system. The goal of this stage is mastery of this system, which usually culminates in proper toilet training. Children who do not adequately master this stage or were harshly punished during the toilet training process developed an anal fixation. This might lead to anal retentive or anal expulsive personalities in which one is overly tidy, and the other overly messy.
3. Phallic Stage (3-5 years of age) : The phallic stage's major pleasure center is the main genital organ in either boys or girls. The child is thought to develop his/her first sexual desires which are directed at the closest known adult: the opposite sex parent. Boys develop the Oedipal complex with affection for their mothers while girls developed the Elektra complex with affection for their fathers. The goal of this stage is to master this internal conflict and move toward more appropriate sexual desires. Children who struggle here develop phallic fixations which affect their relationships with their parents adversely.

4. Latency Stage (5-12 years of age) : The latency stage's major pleasure centers are dormant sexual feelings for the opposite sex. Here, the child consolidates character habits developed in the previous three stages. Successful mastery in each of these stages is necessary for a mature, adult personality to develop before puberty. If the child does not learn to derive pleasure from external sources such as schooling or friendships, he/she may develop neuroses or fixations on socially unacceptable activities.
5. Genital Stage (12 years - adulthood) : The genital stage's main pleasure center is the surge of sexual hormones in the body during puberty. Adolescents must establish successful relationships with peers in order to master this stage. Young adults who do not transition from solitary, infantile sexuality to consensual, mature sexuality develop fixations on sex and tend to have unsuccessful relationships.
If we want to read a literary work in psychoanalysis, then we need to investigate the unconscious need to investigate the characters in the work, watched acts, behavior, or a word that refers to something that actually conceal. We will follow his or her question, he said, the surrounding background, and general psychological condition. We will be dealing for example with a passion and control, sexuality, identity, boundaries, separation, and loss (Ryan 1999). Even if they want to analyze from the point of writing, we can examine his past experiences, people or events that affect it

Analysis the story
1.     Background
The litelary works for children as a sign that the children have a particular needs in their development. One of the litelatures works is Topsy & Tim. The book which tell about the lost rabbit that their grandfather found in from of their house.  There are two things that  writer convey in Topsy & Tim book, these are about the honest that should people do. Topsy and tim book is also show the good relationship between the nei ghbour, peers and the family. Children in their development needs something that can be clue where they have to go through and how they will be the good people in future.

2.     Synopsis
The story starts when Topsy & Tim open the window in the wenesday morning. They see the rabbit is nibbling the flower in front of their house. Then someone who has grey hair, knock the door”  When they heard the voice, both of them courious then run downstair and open the door. Someone who they alyas see almost every day who has knock their door. He is Mr, Fred who live next door. He is standing and holding the rabbit, he is gonna give the rabit to the little children. Tipsy & Tim come to meet the old man, who said “look what I’ve found” then give the rabbit to Tipsy. Here the story develove, when Tipsy & Tim put interest to rabbit, but their mother make them go to school and ask them to find whose rabbit that has lost. This moment will hard for children who wanna keep something be his/her own, but in the other hand they must give it away to the owner. This book was written by Jean and Gareth Adamson and was publish by ladybird books can touch the reader feeling’s how to be the good person, may be sometime it’s always hard but then finaly there must be something special that god has planned for us. Well then the lost rabbit now belong to Topsy & Tim. Here, The writer want to children becomes kindly to the animal, so they make a short passage that convey about : mummy said “now he is your rabbit, you must both look after him. You must see that he has water to drink and t the right things to eat.  Then each of them bring the food and the water for rabbit. Not only the food and the drink but this family makes a hutch for rabbit. So, the rabbit feel comfort inside of it.

3.     The relationship between psychoanalitic  and Topsy & Tim book
One of the characteristic in this book who has ID characteristic are Topsy & Tim. In this story both of them put interest to the rabbit that they see through the window at the wenesday morning. And when someone give the rabbit to Topsy & Tim just because he thinks it belongs to them, then they desire to have it. We can see when their mother ask them to give it to the owner. Both of them give a steatment  , “I don’t want the rabbit to go” said Topsy.
“I don’t either” said Tom. And they were both trying hard not to cry.
            The other characteristic that appear in this story is the EGO characteristic, for instance we can see in passage of the book. Topsy & Tom wanted to stay and play with the rabbit, but their mother asked them to school. Then finally they go to school, follow what their mother said. It means they put their willing in second choice.

Toha-Sarumpaet, Riris. (2010) Pedoman Penelitian Sastra Anak. Jakarta : Pusat Bahasa, Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional.

The conclusion that can be drawn from this paper is that the theory is still used in the study of psychology is psychoanalysis invented by Sigmund Freud. This theory explains that humans are often in an unconscious condition. The condition is very little conscious mental state is found in humans. This theory is interesting to study, not only because it has a close relationship with literature, but also because of the existence of this theory until now.
Psychoanalysis can be used to assess literary works as psychology can explain the creative process. More useful in the study of psychoanalysis is a script fixes, corrections, and so on. Psychoanalysis in literature psychologically useful to analyze the characters in the drama and the novel. Sometimes authors are not aware and can consciously incorporate psychological theory espoused. Psychoanalysis can also analyze the author's life through his literary works.
In the psychology literature study, which analyzed human personality through psychoanalytic theory is divided into three, namely, the ID, EGO, and SUPER-EGO. These three systems are closely interrelated. Human behavior is often interpreted as a reflection of the products above three elements. So literature is an expression of the soul that the author depicts the emotions and thoughts.
Analyzed human personality through psychoanalysis was exactly related to one of the characters in the Topsy & Tim book. This book tell about the honestly, the willingness and the devotion to the parents, in case give the rabbit away to the owner. Topsy & Tim have these two things concept of personality, they are ID and EGO.


Resep Tongseng Ayam ala Rani :)

Ada yang belum tahu tongseng?hihihi
menurut mbah google : Tongseng adalah sejenis gulai dengan bumbu yang lebih "tajam". Perbedaan yang lebih jelas adalah pada penggunaan dagingnya. Tongseng dibuat dengan menggunakan daging yang masih melekat pada tulang, terutama tulang iga dan tulang belakang. Tongseng pada umumnya menggunakan daging kambing, meskipun ada pula tongseng daging sapi, ayam dan kerbau. Tongseng dianggap sebagai makanan khas daerah Solo dan sekitarnya.

Tongseng itu salah satu makanan favorite saya readers,
sebelumnya sempet penasaran banget sih buatnya tuh gimana yah?
karena saya suka makan dan Hobby masak jadilah kepoo :p 
terus belakangan ini suka main IG (Instagram) Alhamdulillah nemu resepnya di akun  @resepyummy trus cobain deh dan senangnyaa saya berhasil 

By the way yang belum follow saya boleh follow IG saya di @ranirachmaa

cedikott ini dia resepnya, sangat sederhana dan mudah membuatnya

Bahan-bahan :
  • 1 ekor ayam (potong dadu)
  • Kol secukupnya
  • Daun bawang secukupnya
  • Kecap Manis Secukupnya
  • 250 ml santan
  • Air Secukupnya
  • Cabai Rawit Merah Utuh (sesuai selera)
  • 4 lembar daun salam
  • 4 lembar daun jeruk
  • 2 buah serai, memarkan
  • Lengkuas, memarkan
  • 2 buah kayu manis
  • 5 buah cengkeh
  • 1 buah tomat (buang bijinya dan potong dadu)
  • Bawang goreng (sebagai penyedap/sesuai selera)

Bumbu Halus :
  • 7 siung bawang merah
  • 3 siung bawang putih
  • Jahe
  • 3 buah kemiri sangrai
  • 3 buah cabe merah keriting
  • 3 buah cabe rawit merah (Sesuai selera)
  • Garam, Gula, Lada (Secukupnya)

Cara Membuat :
  • Tumis bumbu halus hingga harum, tambahkan daun salam, daun jeruk, lengkuas, serai, kayumanis dan cengkeh
  • Tambahkan potongan daging la, ayam, masak hingga berubah warna
  • Tambahkan air, diamkan sampai daging ayam matang
  • Masukkan kol, tomat, recap manis, garam, dan cabe merah utuh
  • Masukan santai, santan mendidih lalu angkat
  • Masukkan ke dalam mangkuk dan taburi bawang goreng

Tongseng siap di hidangkan...  

Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat ^_^

Bisnis macam apa sih nih??

Haloooo Semangat Pagiii Readers ^_^
Udah lama banget ngga nulis blog, pada kangen ngga sama rani?hehehehe 

Rani mau cerita tentang bisnis yang sekarang lagi rani jalanin
Iyaaaa bisnis ORIFLAME :)
jatuh cinta banget sama oriflame deh pokoknya

menurut rani oriflame bukan cuma sekedar bisnis tapi oriflame adalah ANUGERAH
Anugerah yang di kasih Allah buat rani

Melalui oriflame rani jadi bisa bermanfaat untuk orang lain, bisa bantuin banyak downline buat berhasil juga di bisnis ini
Melalui oriflame rani jadi bisa deket sama kakak, dulu boro-boro yeeeee jalan bareng aja ngga pernah alias berantem mulu wkwkwwkwkw 
Naaah sejak oriflamean jadi akur sama kakak
Melalui oriflame rani juga belajar untuk punya impian, iyaa ternyata kalo hidup itu harus GROWTH ke arah lebih baik
kalo tahun ini makan tempe, tahun depan ngga boleh makan tempe lagi, minimal kalo belum bisa beli ayam yaah beli ikan.. intinya harus lebih baik!
kalo hidup tidak tumbuh artinya kita RUGI!
Melalui oriflame rani jadi lebih sadar untuk bisa membahagiakan orangtua, yang selama ini udah berjuang mati-matian buat rani :')

I do love you oriflame

"Makasih yaa ran, untung gue oriflamean"
"Makasih yaa ran, kemarin gue transfer uang buat buat ibu gue dong dari bonus oriflame"
"Makasih kak rani, hadiah oriflame bagus banget! aku kasih hadiahnya buat mamaku loooh"

Terima kasih rani
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh kata-kata itu sangatlah sederhana
TAPI bisa membuat saya bahagiaaaaa #eaaaaa ngga lebay ini ASLI!

Bahagia bangeeeet rasanya kalo bisa bantuin downline juga buat berhasil
Ada kebanggaan tersendiri dan hal ini ngga bisa rani rasain di kantor..
iyaaa di oriflame berasa banget punya keluarga baru, sahabat, seneng banget karena mereka sangat peduli sama kita agar kita MAJU, mendorong untuk terus TUMBUH.

Memang sih, rani tau nyari duit bisa di mana aja tapi kalo di oriflame itu lengkap
isn't about money!

ada pepatah yang bilang "Hidup yang indah ketika bisa bermanfaat untuk orang lain"
ini rani sangat rasakan di oriflame.

Rani siap banget kok untuk bantuin KAMU untuk merasakan penghasilan juga di oriflame
iyaa kamu
kamu yang lagi baca tulisan ini
kamu yang belum member oriflame
kamuuu yang punya IMPIAN
Mau maju bersamaku :)

kalo rani bisa, kamu pasti bisa... Udaaah yuk buktikan sekarang 

You will never know if you never try

rani kasih tahu caranya
Contact Me
Rani Rachma
whatsApp: 081310024600
Line : ranidiamond
